The role of the Mediterranean Diet in cancer prevention, development and treatment is the subject of advanced clinical and epidemiological research. Many foods, in particular fruit and vegetables, legumes, fish and extra virgin olive oil are recommended for the prevention of cancer, and several researches have identified the molecular and cellular mechanisms that can explain this action.
It has also been observed that a diet characterized by foods with a high glycemic index, an excess of animal proteins and saturated fats can favor the onset and progression of various neoplastic diseases.
A good nutritional status can prevent the appearance of infectious diseases and enhance the protective action of vaccines. The crucial role of vaccination in this process and the impact that malnutrition can have on vaccination efficacy will be highlighted.
These topics are being discussed during today’s event Il ruolo della Dieta Mediterranea nella prevenzione delle malattie e nella promozione della salute globale, coordinated by Prof. Stefania Maggi.
Registration via website is free of charge but required. The event is being held in Italian.
The contents will be available until December 31, 2022.