European Interdisciplinary Council on Ageing

Changing the vaccine paradigm: Stressing the importance of adult immunization

MAY 24/26, 2017
Venice International University
San Servolo Island, Venice, Italy

The 2016 WHO Aging and Life Course Program, as a mean to promote “health ageing”, which new definition is “the process of developing and maintaining the functional ability that enables wellbeing in older age”.

In this context, life course integrated care includes firstly health promotion and targeted preventive measures. Too often, at the side of diet, physical exercises and smoking abstinence, the importance of life course vaccinations is forgotten by stakeholders, healthcare professionals, media and indeed the public. The understanding that vaccinations represent one of the most powerful public health measure preventing disease, disability and mortality has to be another time stressed. Irrefutable scientific arguments need to be disclosed to the widest possible political, professional and lay public audiences. Concerted effort should be made to increase awareness and education around the role of prevention, including immunization, to favor a “Healthy Aging ”. How to better implement existing European vaccine recommendations? How to remove the vaccine fears? How to increase the vaccine coverage at any stage of life and specifically at the old age? We would like answering all these questions and mobilizing all the partners, getting the strong support and cooperation of the stakeholders and key opinion leaders to convince all the audiences of the outstanding benefits of a vaccination life course approach.

Prof. Gaetano Crepaldi, EICA
Prof. Stefania Maggi, EUGMS
Prof. Jean-Pierre Michel, EICA

Unrestricted Educational Grant:

GlaxoSmithKline Biologicals
Merck Sharp & Dohme, Corp.

Sponsored by:

Takeda Pharmaceuticals